Variable assignment in Django templates, sort of

Django’s templating language is intentionally quite restrictive. The idea is that you have to do all your data munging in the control-ish sublayer of the view layer, in the method registered as handling the view in In principle this simplifies templates, but in practice it can make life for the developer more difficult: you have to really think ahead, and assemble your variables properly, so that the templating language can use simple iterative loops to prepare your HTML.

What if you want the same output for several different data structures? Let’s say we have three people, and we’d like to run the following include, saved as name.html, on all three:

<p>{{ person.firstname }} {{ person.surname }}</p>

Ideally you’d have the three people in a structure called people, and be able to run:

{% for person in people %}{% include “name.html” %}{% endfor %}

But what if the order matters? What if you need account_director to do different things in the template from project_manager? You’d want to send them through as separate data structures, and this:

{% include “name.html” %}
{% include “name.html” %}
{% include “name.html” %}

would just do nothing, because it references person and not account_director. An alternative is to turn name.html into a custom tag, taking arguments; but if the content of name.html were any more HTML-heavy then you might want to abstract it into the include nonetheless, and then you’d just be running a custom tag method, to pass variables to a template fragment, to render the fragment, to pass it back up to the template. It’d be nicer if we could do this with core functionality instead.

Using the latest development version of Django, we can implement basic variable assignment—getting person to reference whatever we want in the template layer—using the with template tag. This means that we can wrap each include tag to produce the required output:

{% with account_director as person %}
  {% include “name.html” %}
{% endwith %}
{% with project_manager as person %}
  {% include “name.html” %}
{% endwith %}
{% with lead_developer as person %}
  {% include “name.html” %}
{% endwith %}

It seems like overkill for our name.html example, but there are plenty of situations—I just found one, hence this post—where it makes sense to factor out code into an include: being able to fiddle with the template context before including it is a lightweight alternative to template tags and a tidy alternative to dumping the HTML right there in the primary template.