- Uploaded my first functional (if remarkably ugly) Google App to GAE. Nice experience, except for building own RAD env. #googleapps #google #
- How can speedtest.net rate me at 500kB/s when play.com is only letting me download at a *maximum* of 40kB/s across two connections? #
- Ah! MySQL connections within PHP are firewalled but the command-line client isn't. My brain hurts, prob because I've scratched it too much. #
- Cartoon in excerpt from New Frontiersman in Watchmen comic has crying Statue of Liberty; Alan Moore has perfect pitch. http://qurl.com/tnmk4 #
- @jamieandrews did wonder about car. Getting to Dix Pit with WEEE is hard otherwise, though: bungees not secure enough. Also, mug=cracked. #
- @darwin maybe they meant quiltified: they all wear puffa jackets for extra protection while tinkering with cars. #
- @DarienGS (12, 4) (Treat it like a cryptic crossword clue; or use eye muscles to cogitate? (5, 9) ) #
- RT: @Greenpeace_Intl: #climateaction entrance to EU building blocked by Greenpeace protesters by 340 activists, from 40 different countries. #
- @hatmandu is that as bad as "Normally I wouldn't etc. but you just went on honeymoon here?" If so, then I done that. #
- @garrettc "your.flowingdata: capturing your login with an antipattern, one FAIL at a time." But when will Twitter have a secure login API? #
- @garrettc good news for #twitter, although #oauth is still 1/3 black magic http://qurl.com/nz9lv . #antipattern #
- Just when I was getting thoroughly fed up of cabbage cabbage cabbage and celeribloodyac, Abel & Cole pull the stops out. So much fruit! #
- @hatmandu pretty much. @garrettc said was getting weird but should record it for posterity. Also means that @darwin can't hear us chatt- oh. #
- Perfect bed-time surfing: Cyriak's video for the remix of Frankie Valli's Begging http://qurl.com/cqpg1 . Sweet dreams! #
- Rediscovering #delicious . Easier than marking items in #Google Reader as "keep unread". #
- Economists agree broadly with #green groups about #climatechange, but journalists haven't caught up yet. Why? http://qurl.com/4n9np #
- @stevejalim does that mean I can disagree with you about that and still get in the papers? #
- @jwebster not guilty. We tried negotiating with the mice, but the letting agents put poison down and wanted to see RESULTS. Well, mice poo. #
- @brighty are you on the Calpol yourself now? How about the leopards? #
- Lord Stern: climate-change deniers are flat-earthers, "marginal", "ridiculous" and "confused" http://qurl.com/jzd2w #climatechange #
- Into Oxford, walk to Phoenix, turn right back round again, wait for bus. Grargh. #
- @jonleighton you can't do semaphore in ASCII it seems, but we did discover today that it's fun to stay at the \o/ ^o^ o= /o\ . #
- @monami I want that. But somehow I get the feeling the mice will be long gone by the time I get it working. #
- There's NO WAY I need three heaped tablespoons of cabbage. At least http://qurl.com/flht9 says I can wash it down with two slices of mango. #
- RT @petecooper OMG SAUSAGE PONY! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/7939187.stm #
- @hatmandu @dailyhorse as they say, a horse a day keeps the sausage pony away. #
- I can't believe @jwebster actually dared to tweet that. What if someone decides they don't want to shortlist us for a .NET job and... oh. #
- I'm completely exhausted. A bowlful of Italian carbs has done for me. Shame miss Oxford Internet Professionals meet: http://qurl.com/s3nly #
- Question: should OGN11 keynoters begin earlier, at 8pm, or at 8.30 as usual? @-reply to me with hashtag #ogn to vote. #
- The man from All Shred, van parked across the entire car park, has his door open. Seems to be listening to Alan Partridge: is that Radio 5? #
- The crowd has spoken about #ogn - starting at 8pm, finished by 10ish. #
- Note on empty Ecover: "Please! More washing up! Cleaner." Well, if you insist.... #
- SiteLauncher Firefox addon + bookmarklets = ultra-fast navigation #
- @petecooper @garrettc Her. Name. Was. Lola; she was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there. #
- Why does a full timetable of work for the next 3 weeks make me want to roll my sleeves up and cheerfully hop to it? The mystery of scrum.... #
- @jwebster in fact the principles of singletasking would forbid it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edcotton/3275769908/ #
- @petecooper see you at #ageofstupid . I'll be the one who's already been there and bought the T-shirt. #
- Another short, mediocre Google App - this one for @torchbox show and tell sessions. #gae turning out to be ideal for these small jobs. #
- Attendee list for #barcampoxford now over 80% full: current limit for e.g. catering funding is 50 people. Better sign up sharpish. #barcamp #
- A white night, thanks to talking tangentially about work at 11pm. Reading about Plantagenet dynasty at 3.30am almost got me to sleep. #
- @matpage stuck without sleep so I'm tuning in online. Candi Staton & was that Marvin Gaye just then? I was busy with getting codecs to work! #
- @matpage good choices anyway. #
- bizarrely listening to a #lovefoodhatewaste advert on DurhamFM, courtesy of @matpage . I think it was a coincidence. #
- Fending off the urge to sleep; blogging instead. #
- I just had an hour's sleep and it felt like three. #
- Following last night's - what:2.5hr? - sleep fiasco, I see like Paul McGann suffers http://qurl.com/8qg9h . Unite, o insomniac brethr-zzz... #
- My new Google app finally has a CRUD UI for the data model. Well, a CR'D UI. Well, 9/10 of a "D". Ish. #
- Got the Earth Hour light switch on my blog: http://www.jpstacey.info/blog/ Otherwise, let's be honest: I'm going to forget. #
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