It might be a bank holiday for you, but I'm currently putting the final touches to Oxford Geek Night 12, which is this Wednesday. I need to make sure all the speakers have confirmed (most definitely have); get their draft talks onto a pendrive; print out posters and plan timetables; and retrieve and test all our tech and cables; so that the second projector will work fine, and we've got a laptop for everyone to run their talks on: that sort of thing.
Most importantly, from your point of view, I need to sort out equipment for our improved PA setup (following your feedback, very gratefully received, on earlier OGNs). I also need to find and pack the dozen great books donated by Apress, to be given out to randomly selected attendees in our book raffle. We're also looking into drinks sponsorship, and we might have more news on that by Wednesday. And we also still need volunteers for the Pitch, our sixty-second open-mic slots where you can say absolutely anything you want, as long as it's not obscene or about COBOL.... Well, it depends on how obscene.
Come to OGN12, then. There'll be talks and chat and ideas and fun and geeks and nerds and technology and webs and everything you expect from a Geek Night. And if the worst comes to the worst, then you at least have around a one-in-ten chance of leaving with a book worth up to thirty-five pounds, which is not to be sniffed at.