- Congrats to Tim & @cleanskies. The disco last night made me feel like I was a teenager again. Not quite on top form this morning, though. #
- @darwin @torchbox is changing its name to Cotswolds Media Solutions (CMS), an asteroid hit Unit 5 and we've all got swine flu. Welcome back! #
- Bats! RT @sambowlerr: @jpstacey rescuing bats in the @torchbox office http://twitpic.com/cm2bt #
- @alpower - I think we might get in trouble if I tried that. And @hatmandu - @batmandu, more like. #
- @whatishen where the plate meets the skirting-board there's a tiny patch of brown about the size of my thumb #
- I've been meta-rickrolled. After avoiding a rickrolling I nonetheless now have "Never Gonna Give You Up" going round my head #
- @whatishen it got dehydrated over the weekend and couldn't get back up to a perch. Once they hit the ground they have to climb a tree to fly #
- RSPCA can't make it; @darwin hunting for batman; anyone know of bat rescuers in west Oxon? #
- @whatishen it keeps chewing on the paper towel with water in it. I think it actually wants food now. #
- @whatishen http://bit.ly/jIgSm the *other* photo linked on that page is the dead bat we found elsewhere, so maybe don't click that.... #
- Local voluntary batperson has retrieved the bat, which became much more lively when she picked it up. Wings good, fur good, release tonight. #
- @argle I'm not sure if that would have helped. After putting the bat in a bag, she dropped the bat. Small animals can fall a long way, but. #
- RT @add1sun Drupal 7 docs depend on you http://tinyurl.com/mbxyml #drupal #
- @galooph any recordings of the @drupalcamp UK sessions? Would like to point @add1sun at what we said in the documentation roundtable #drupal #
- @galooph brilliant, thank you. @garrettc *did* mention archive.org and I completely forgot - he's currently at home with lurgi. #
- Discovery of the day: coeliac and coelacanth have related etymologies, with a shared origin in the Greek "koilos" meaning (and like) hollow. #
- Whee. Subdomain module for organic groups in #drupal takes a bit of patience but eventually "just works". Well, so far. #
- @damiancugley the most annoying thing is that if there's a unique match via AJAX at api.drupal.org, you have to press enter twice to submit. #
- HM Revenue & Customs recorded messages desperate to get me off the phone and onto their awful website. I came to you from there, you dolts. #
- A million years ago Oxfordshire Libraries gave me a PIN so that I could renew books online. I couldn't even tell you how many digits it had. #
- RT @griffinkate Citizenship test shocking. The prescriptions question assumes UK=England. Just the start of the fail. http://qurl.com/yf34f #
- Oh, God. The UK citizenship test is in Flash. They've reinvented HTML questionnaires in Flash. The apotheosis of pointless technology. #fail #
- UK citizenship test begins: <body scroll="no"><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> http://qurl.com/yf34f #fail #
- @griffinkate has just appeared with a tiny slip of paper with my library PIN on it. She passes *my* citizenship test. 1858. No, 1882. 1830? #
- Would like to see Twitter augmented reality http://tinyurl.com/mgxrjp, with repeated faces of Aphex Twin tweeting "Come to Daddy." #
- Evening of house, Focus and DIY turns into evening of #fail: missing Focus being open drains me of hwyl. Now sat in pants listening to #R2. #
- @brighty @victoriachan bluefin is a comparative delicacy and rarely tinned. Check tins for "pole and line caught". http://bit.ly/1tLtnm #
- @victoriachan @brighty but all stocks of all tuna species now fished to full capacity: http://bit.ly/h2QO4 Eat non-tuna: http://bit.ly/6YE5J #
- @rhodri it feels like it's Workman Thursday today. Half a dozen separate vans in the village, all up piously early and blocking pavements. #
- Beautiful day for cycling though, apart from the usual. Cloudy-bright all the way up to the back of Wilcote whereupon the sun burst through. #
- Typing this from my hand-me-down E71, thanks to @tomd #
- @benwerd @garrettc not whizzed by: washed down the drain by the downpour at the end of the night. Couldn't have been better apart from Beck. #
- @hatmandu @serafinowicz I still can't get over Cheryl Baker. Heart-rending. #
- @adrianwalmsley there are a couple of free #twitter apps on this #e71 already, but I'll look at that one if they turn out rubbish. Cheers! #
- Oxfordshire Library's Quick Renew function has no confirmation step after putting in card # / PIN. A bit too quick.... #
- Charlbury gets darker, darker, darker.... now the rain. #
- @califer what @garrettc said: #ogn is Oxford Geek Nights, next one Wed 23 Sep http://bit.ly/21IwR @presleysylwia - any social media confs? #
- I've not been able to send a single tweet this morning, he tweeted, which will probably be submitted fine. #
- #Twitter is blocking tweets with both the town that #CNET have ignorantly made up re: yesterday and its actual name #
- http://bit.ly/27YKR0 #
- @robinhouston can't diagnose properly: when web/API decides I'm bad then it kicks me off for a while. So only just replying to you now! #
- @robinhouston might be the hashtag - dee dee oh ess - in combination with the name of this service? Dunno. #
- RT @polljack Daily Mail poll asks why politicians don't deny climate change. Let's hijack it! Vote "no" here: http://bit.ly/1gUvX #
- Ahh, gg.google.com. Slowing down the internets. #
- @damiancugley try #Ubercart instead: we've found it a MUCH easier install #drupal. #
- I can't help feel that the Economist have done this on purpose http://bit.ly/TGdKI (via @dariengs, Reddit) #
- Come, everyone: envy my choice of ladder, compliant to European Standard EN131: http://bit.ly/Rvdf6 #
- Recovering from yesterday's ceiling painting and furniture assembly. Feels like flu. #
- @nfolson yes, new house in west Oxon. Feels less like flu now and more like ceiling-painting cramps and paint-fume sinuses! #
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