Oxford Geek Night #22 this Wednesday

Wednesday 15 June is but six days away now, so if you're in Oxford you should make sure you have Oxford Geek Night 22 in your diary for that evening. Not only are my employers Torchbox sponsoring as always to make sure it's free entry, but Historic Futures are putting some money behind the bar, enough for a free drink for every geek. Doors open at the Jericho Tavern from 7.30pm, so get there early to make sure you nab a pint or similar before the thirsty geeks work their way through it all.

Even as I speak, our two keynoters are girding their loins and exercising their generic-brand presentational software for the benefit of Oxford's finest geeks. Louise Crow will mark the very welcome return of mySociety to the Jericho's stage by talking about their forthcoming project Fix My Transport. Next up will be Tyler Tate, UX lead and designer, who wants us to look at how people learn, and apply that knowledge to improving usability for everyone.

We've also got four excellent microslots to look forwards to, volunteered by four plucky Oxford(shire) geeks. They're a mixed bag of subjects as always, and we'll also have the even more mixed bag of The Pitch, our sixty-second open-mic slots. Anyone can use these to announce or advertise whatever they want for a minute. There are also still a few spare Pitch slots left, so if you've got something you want to get off your chest, email ogn@torchbox.com to reserve one.

Right. Only six days to go and I haven't even printed posters yet. Or done any of a dozen other things I need to get done before then. What am I even doing, still writing this stuff? I've got work to do. Now clear off and I'll see you on Wednesday at OGN22.